Anchor's Compass Scholarship

Any student’s first semester at Anchor Bible College is completely tuition-free!

First Semester at Anchor Bible College
$0 /Per Credit Hour
  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Books - Not Included
Further Semesters at Anchor Bible College
$73 /Per Credit Hour
  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Books - Not Included

There doesn’t need to be any barrier between you and discovering God’s direction for your life!

Start your journey today

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the Compass Scholarship?

The Compass Scholarship is automatically applied to any student’s first semester of tuition. This makes the Compass Scholarship equally available to everyone, and there is no need for a separate application.

Is there a limitation on the number of classes?

There is no limitation on the number of classes that the Compass Scholarship can apply to in your first semester. For some, this may only be one class as they try out their first Anchor class. For others, this could mean as many as five classes as a full-time student, perhaps completing the first half of a 1-year certificate completely tuition-free.

Is it really free? Are there any other costs?

There are no other fees associated with Anchor Bible College registration. The only costs a student would incur are that of books or any other educational materials, for which Anchor classes try to limit the expected cost.

Where is the money coming from for this scholarship?

Anchor Bible College receives much of its funding from generous supporters who give toward the mission of training Christians in the knowledge of God’s Word and in ministry for His kingdom. The Compass Scholarship is made possible by generous supporters who wish to encourage and support prospective new students.

Do I have to be a full-time student to qualify?

The Compass Scholarship is available to all types of students at Anchor Bible College. This includes full-time, part-time, degree-seeking, and not-for-degree students. The individual value of this scholarship will depend on the number of classes taken in the first semester, but there is no difference in availability or qualifications.